Receiving a decline on your credit card machine may be rare, however, it's important to know what type of decline codes you may receive while processing. If a credit card has been declined, the machine will print out a decline code on the receipt. Please use the table below for reference of decline and reason codes.
Declined code | Explanation |
97 | Invalid CVV |
78 | No Such Account Exists |
65 | Customer Has Exceeded Activity Limit |
63 | Card Is Restricted |
62 | Restricted SIC Code |
61 | Customer Has Exceeded Withdrawal Limit |
57 | Service Not Allowed |
54 | Card Has Expired |
51 | There Are Insufficient Funds |
19 | Re-Enter Information |
15 | No Such Issuer |
14 | Card Number Is Invalid |
13 | Card Amount Is Invalid |
12 | Invalid Transaction |
05 | Do Not Honor |
04 | Merchant Should Keep Card |
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