If you need credit card information to run a transaction (i.e: over the phone orders, refunds, manual transaction) you only need the full card number and expiration date. The best and easiest way to get this information is directly from your customer.
If you are unable to acquire the Credit Card info directly from your customer for a transaction that was processed through our system, we can assist you by doing the following:
- If you have a copy of the receipt(s), please submit a request to support@vizypay.com (If you don’t have a copy of the receipt, please provide us with as much information as possible; Last 4 of CC Number, Date, transaction amount, approximate time)
- Your request will be taken up by the research department and you will be contacted via phone within 24 business hours with the information requested. Please note that more than one retrieval will increase the research involved and might extend beyond 24 business hours.
Credit Card information will never be shared over email and we do not have the ability to adjust/refund/alter/force a transaction in anyway transaction apart from your terminal.
Credit Card retrievals incur a $7.00 Administrative Fee billed directly to your bank account.
Please note, anytime you run a transaction past the original transaction date, you incur the risk of incurring a Chargeback. We encourage you to maintain good communication with your customers so they understand the charge. VizyPay is not responsible for any fees or penalties resulting from any transaction ran in error on your terminal.
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